Benefits of Membership

Membership in the Municipal Clerks’ Association of New Jersey offers an instant network to hundreds of the most professional of local government officials in New Jersey and beyond.
MCANJ offers meaningful and affordable educational opportunities to its members through an Annual Conference, as well as regional mini-conferences held at various times and locations throughout the year. Registered Municipal Clerks can earn continuing education credits towards their certification renewal at these conferences.
MCANJ also keeps abreast of changes in Trenton and disseminates this information to its membership through its continued communications.
Municipal Clerks, the oldest of local government officials, offers camaraderie like no other; with members offering assistance when needed especially to non-seasoned municipal clerks or municipal clerks who may not have faced a particular situation before. Municipal Clerks will undoubtedly develop new and long lasting friendships when they join MCANJ.
MCANJ offers the following classes of membership:
Regular Membership – Any person holding the office of Municipal Clerk, Acting Municipal Clerk, County Clerk, or Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of any municipality or county in NJ. $100 Annual Fee.
Associate Membership – Any person holding the office of Deputy or Assistant Municipal Clerk, Deputy County Clerk, or Deputy Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners. $75 Annual Fee.
Affiliate Member – Any person holding any governmental or education office of emploment, or any person interested in promoting the objectives of the Association who is not eligible for Regular, Associate or Honorary membership. $75 Annual Fee.
Honorary Membership – Any Regular, Associate or Affiliate Membership in good standing upon retirement. $0 Annual Fee.
Membership term is from July 1st through June 30th.